Other Resources
■ A Serious Leisure Research Project (the hobby of gourmet cooking)
■ Aging Horizons Bulletin: A Canadian Bimonthly Educational Webzine
■ Buzzle.com
■ Canadian Academy of Independent Scholars
■ CIRET (International Center for Research and Study on Tourism)
■ DeepFun.com by B. DeKoven
■ Energize, Inc.
■ Hobbies - Forbes.com
■ Leisure Arts (Blogspot)
■ LIN (Lifestyle Information Network)
■ List of Hobbies, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hobbies
■ National Institute for Play
■ Observatoire Québécois du Loisir
■ Positive Psychology.Net
■ Research Group in Social, Environment, and Organizational Psychology (University of Barcelona)
■ The Leisure Link
■ Voluntary Simplicity Forum
■ Why Work?