Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Keynotes
This section contains information on conferences, seminars, workshops, special sessions, and keynote addresses bearing on the serious leisure perspective that will be held in the near future or have been held in the past two to three years.
■ Mapping the Positive Turn for Information Science. Hosted by Andrew Cox, Brian Griffin, and Jenna Hartel; keynote by Robert Stebbins. iConference Workshop, Philadelphia, PA, March 20, 2016.
■ Seminar Series. Volunteering: A Tool for Events in the 21st Century? University of the West of Scotland, July 20, 2012.
■ Searching 4 Fun! 2012! A workshop focused on pleasure-driven, rather than task-driven, search. Barcelona, Spain, April 1, 2012 at ECIR2012.
■ The Roles of Citizen Science and Serious Leisure in Public Engagement with Science. With Robert A. Stebbins, Chris Lintott, and Martin Storksdieck. A panel at the AAAS Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, February 17, 2012 (10:00 am -11:30 am).
Keynote Speeches, University Addresses, and Workshops by R. A. Stebbins
■ "Leisure, Information, and Self-Directed Learning" Colloquium at the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, February 12, 2013.
■ "Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers: Finding Leisure in Altruism” Keynote speaker at Volunteering: A Tool for Events in the 21st Century?" Univesity of the West of Scotland, July 20, 2012.
■ “Leisure’s Borders: What Are We Exporting beyond Them?” Keynote speaker at the Mid-term Conference of ISA’s Research Committee 13 (Leisure), Palermo, Italy, September, 2011.
■ “Leisure, Positiveness, and Health: A 21st Century Imperative.” Keynote speaker at the Sociological, Psychological, and Global Perspectives on Leisure Symposium Week, University of Georgia, November, 2010.
■ “Leisure as Principal Actor on the World Stage.” World Leisure Academy and Forum Scholar Lecture presented at 11th World Congress of the World Leisure Organization, Chuncheon, South Korea, August, 2010.“Leisure Studies: The Road Ahead,” Keynote speaker at the Ninth Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies, Brisbane, Australia, February 2010.
■ “Serious Leisure, Devotee Work, and the Development of Positive Sociology.” University speaker at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, March,
■ “Leisure and Selfishness: Diluting Positiveness.” University speaker at Chinese Cultural University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2009.
■ “Finding the Positive Side of Life: Lessons from Leisure Studies.” University speaker at National University of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2009.
■ “The Serious Leisure Perspective: Applications in the Community.” University speaker at National Dong-Hua University, Hualien, Taiwan, May 2009.
■ “Serious Leisure: A Workshop.” Chinese Cultural University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2009.
■ “Who goes in for Volunteer Tourism? A Typology.” Keynote speaker at the First International Symposium on Volunteering and Tourism, James Cook University, Singapore, June 2009.
■ “The Leisure Industry and Positive Living: A Neglected Path to Community Development.” Keynote speaker at the Fifth International Leisure Symposium, ChunCheon City, South Korea, August 2009.
■ “Toward a Theory of Leisure: Practical contributions of the Serious Leisure Perspective.” Special lecture presented to the graduate students at the Fifth International Leisure Symposium, ChunCheon City, South Korea, August 2009.
■ "Social Entrepreneurship as Leisure.” Special lecture presented at the Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies, Seoul, South Korea, August 2009.